Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Houston Reunion Part 5

Jane Winer sent these! Thanks, Jane.

 Cherry Clark, Lyn Viles, Ardi Despain
 Erik Linnander, Marianne Linnander and Jane Winer, Sten Linnander
  (back) Marianne Linnander, Nancy Clark, Cherry Clark, Sheila Roach, Lyn Viles, Nancy Jaffie, Jane Winer, Cathy Marshall, Randa McEachron (front) Jon Good, Sten Linnander, John Marshall, Rick Yeomans, Herman Marshall

 Sten Linnander (foreground); Jane Winer, Eric Linnander, Marianne Linnander (back)
 Marianne Linnander and Jane Winer
(looks like Roger McEachron at left)
Tommy Enriquez, Jane Winer, Kathy Vogel, 
Nancy Jaffie, Sheila Roach, Nancy Clark

Monday, September 29, 2014

Houston Reunion Part 4

These are from Randa McEachron!

 Friday night dinner
(l-r) Ardi Despain, Kathy Vogel, Janie Crippen, Rick Yeomans, Cherry Clark
 Cathy Marshall, Nick Cocavessis, Randa McEachron
 Nick Cocavessis' party: Cherry Clark and Leslie Jones
 Friday night banquet
(l-r) Nancy yeomans, Nancy Jaffie, Cathy Marshall, 
Gary Knieper (Janie's husband), Melanie Marshall, Tommy Enriquez
 Rick Yeomans, Nick Cocavessis, Melanie Marshall, 
Randa McEachron, Cathy Marshall, Don Good
 Don Good, Cathy Marshall, Randa McEachron, Sheila Roach,
Janie Crdippen, Nancy Jaffie, Nancy Clark, Rick Yeomans
 John Marshall and Sheila Roach
 Jon Good, Jill Johnson, Don Good, Cathy Marshall
 Nick Cocavessis, Nancy Anderson's mom
(sorry I keep referring to her that way - don't know her actual name)
 Randa McEachron and Sheila Roach
 Randa McEachron, Sheila Roach, Nancy Jaffie;
John Marshall and Richard Darsie in background at right
 Richard Darsie and Herman Marshall
 Rick Yeomans, Kathy Vogel and Melanie Marshall
 Roger McEachron and Melanie Marshall
 Saturday lunch at the Galleria
(l-r) Gary Knieper, Nancy Clark, Richard Darsie, Cherry Clark, Leslie Jones, Lyn Viles
 Saturday lunch at the Galleria
(l-r) Ardi Despain, Herman Marshall, John Marshall, 
Roger and Randa McEachron, Tommy Enriquez, Janie Crippen
Nick Cocavessis' party: Sheila Roach and Eric Linnander

Friday, September 26, 2014

Houston Reunion Part 3

These were taken by Janie Crippen.

Don Good, Cathy Marshall, Randa McEachron, Sheila Roach, 
Janie Crippen, Nancy Jaffie, Nancy Clark, Rick Yeomans
 Friday night dinner
(l-r) Nancy Anderson's mom, Kathy Vogel, Cherry Clark, 
unknown to me, Nick Cocavessis, Eric Linnander, Nancy Anderson
[sorry for the gaps, please help me fill them in!]
 Friday night dinner
(l-r) Becky Gregg, Bill Tait, unknown, Roger McEachron,
Randa McEachron, Sheila Roach, Nancy Jaffie
 Friday night dinner
(l-r) unknown, John Marshall, Richard Darsie, Leslie Jones,
Gary Knieper (Janie's husband), Tommy Enriquez, Ardi Despain
 Group photo at the hotel
 Janie Crippen and Cathy Marshall
 Jill Johnson, Rick Yeomans, Cathy Marshall
 Jon Good, Cathy Marshall, Don Good
 Kathy Vogel, Melanie Marshall
 Memory sharing
 Nancy Jaffie, Jill Johnson
 At Nick Cocavessis' party
 Richard Darsie and Leslie Jones
[I really hate my wild-eyed expression here. It's because 
I'm trying to force my eyes to stay open for the flash]
 Memory sharing
Tommy Enriquez and Janie Crippen

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Houston Reunion Part 2

These are some of Ardi's pictures.

Ardi Despain, Don Good, Cathy Marshall
 Becky Gregg and Ardi Despain
 Cathy Marshall, Sheila Roach, Randa McEachron
 Richard Darsie and wife Leslie Jones at the Friday night dinner at the hotel
 Friday night dinner
 Janie Crippen and Richard Darsie, photographing 
the action at the Friday night dinner
 Nick Cocavessis in the middle, Cherry Clark on right.
Can someone identify the lady on the left?
 Group at Nick Cocavessis's party
Randa McEachron, Nancy Jaffie, Sheila Roach